The California Avenue
Marching Band

Temporary mural commissioned by Palo Alto Public Arts as part of their Uplift Local initiative to support community well-being and economic recovery.
The California Avenue Marching Band Illustration

Illustrations for Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA 

Illustrations for Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA  t-shirts


It's a plurality of cats. T-shirt illustration for SPCA.
Illustrations for Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA  t-shirts

"A better world..." spay at a time. Illustration for SPCA t-shirt to promote spaying and neuturing of pets.
Illustrations for Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA  t-shirts

"Find your new best friend"

Promotional illustratoni for SPCA t-shirt.

Culinary Tarot Cards

Illustrations for Alimentum magazine.
Culinary Tarot Cards
Culinary Tarot Cards

Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits Sticker Sheet Artwork

Vector illustrations for stickers included in the game box.
Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits Sticker Sheet Artwork

Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades Sticker Sheet Artwork

Vector illustrations for stickers included in the game box.
Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades Sticker Sheet Artwork

Guitar Snake Sticker Concept

Guitar Hero Sticker art concept.
Guitar Hero Sticker Art Concept

"South of the Slaughter"

Cover illustration for Garish Zow Comics number 5.
Illustration for cover of Garish Zow comics no. 5

"Music on My Mind"

Cover illustration for Reglar Wiglar number 19.
Illustration for cover of Reglar Wiglar no. 19

"Marsha Stack"

Illustration for Indie Fly magazine
Illustration for Indie Fly magazine

Cantonese Book of Colors Illustrations and Layout

Cantonese Book of Colors

"Book of Colors"

Cover illustration and book layout.
Cantonese Book of Colors

"The Sun is Yellow"

Cantonese book of colors illustration.
Cantonese Book of Colors

"Dog in a Green Sweater"

Cantonese book of colors illustration.

Western Town Concept

3D Rendering for environment concept.
Western Town 3D Rendering

Japanese Interior Concept

3D Rendering for environment concept.
Japanese Interior 3D Rendering

"Time for Tea"

3D Rendering
3D Tea Set